Sponsor a child with Akwaaba Volunteering Experiences Ghana
Sports Teams
Girls Empowered
When you join the Akwaaba Foundation as a monthly donor, you help to ensure that children can grow up healthy, educated and safe. Your donation will make a life changing difference to the child you will support.
BECOME A MONTHLY DONOR – click the button below
The cost to sponsor a child is £20 a month or £250 for a year. This lets the child you support to grow up health, educated and safe. It is a powerful investment in the future of a child.
We will keep you updated every term on the child’s progress in and out of school and how your donation is making an impact. You will receive letters, phots and updates on an ongoing basis. Other communication can also be organised if you wish.
Your donation gives the child you support an education, a safe space to learn and play and support from the Akwaaba team in Ghana. Your monthly donation covers the cost of the child’s education, 2 meals a day (breakfast and lunch), transport to and from school, school uniform and books and stationary and health insurance. As well as this they can focus on what they love, having fun with their friends and turning their dreams into a reality.
If you would like to set up a direct debit to our bank account, the details are below.
Lloyds Bank
Sort Code 30-99-50
Account Number 40601368
IBAN GB52LOYD30995040601368
A few of the kids stories –
Michael – Michael is in year 8 at Future Leaders school. He has 2 siblings, his youngest sibling, now 7 years old, was born with a severe disability leaving his mum having to become a full time carer. Their father was made redundant from his job and whilst he is trying hard to find a new one, most of his income went on caring for their youngest son. Michael would often miss school due to lack of money or to help at home. By supporting Michael you will be relieving the financial burden on his parents and giving Michael the chance to focus on his education and be in school every day.
Ling – Ling is 6 years old and has been at Future Leaders since the age of 3. He is in KG2 and his favourite subject is reading. His mum is a single parent with 3 children. She sells Yam to make a living but with a baby and 2 other children she struggles to make enough money to make sure Ling can stay in school. Ling is exceptionally good in school and we want to give him every opportunity for him to follow his dreams. Your support will make this happen.
Rahel and Raphael – Rahel and Raphael are twins, aged 4. They are both in Nursery at Future Leaders and have been attending the school since the age of 2. They have 3 older siblings (2 of them also attend Future Leaders school) and live with both their parents. Their mum sells vegetables and their dad is a bus driver. Their dad’s bus has broken down and whilst he is doing his best to fix it he is not earning an income so the family are relying on their mum’s income day to day. The twins love to play football and do colouring at school. Their favourite food is Banku with Okro Soup. Supporting Rahel and Raphael will give them the best chance to continue to grow up in a safe and nurturing environment.
Mekadeskey – Mekadeskey is 8 years old and in KG1. Her parents moved to Accra in hope of better work and a better lifestyle. Because of this, Mekadeskey didn’t start school until the age of 6 so is older than some of the other children in her class. Her mum sells groceries and her Dad is unemployed but does manual labour work around the community when he can find someone who needs it. Without a regular income her parents struggle to care for their 3 children. Keeping Mekadeskey in school will give her her childhood back and will make sure she doesn’t go hungry again.