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13 hours ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

How well does Madam Emilia know her class ๐Ÿค”

#friday #funthingstodo #class #teacher #changinglives #education #ghana #accra #Akwaaba
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5 days ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

Back to where it all began....

This week, we were invited to St Maurice JHS, so our netball girlies could help the St Maurice girls get ready for their upcoming interschools competition

This was the very first school we played netball, and it was the girls and teachers in this school that inspired us to do more for girls in our community

It is always amazing to see the coaches we coached using netball to engage girls in school and sports.

Couldn't be prouder of our girls for their sportsmanship, willingness to help others, and team spirit #fullcirclei#whereitallbeganb#backtoourrootsr#InspiringChangeh#changinglivesl#Netballt#SportsForGoodr#MoreThanJustAGamea#empoweringgirlsg#YouthSportsp#teamworkm#ghanaG#accraA#Akwaabawaaba
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Back to where it all began.... 

This week, we were invited to St Maurice JHS, so our netball girlies could help the St Maurice girls get ready for their upcoming interschools competition 

This was the very first school we played netball, and it was the girls and teachers in this school that inspired us to do more for girls in our community 

It is always amazing to see the coaches we coached using netball to engage girls in school and sports. 

Couldnt be prouder of our girls for their sportsmanship, willingness to help others, and team spirit โค๏ธ 

#fullcircle #whereitallbegan #backtoourroots #inspiringchange #changinglives #netball #sportsforgood #morethanjustagame #empoweringgirls #youthsports #teamwork #Ghana #Accra #AkwaabaImage attachmentImage attachment
1 week ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

Why do they grow up so fast?

Time flies when you are doing something you love for the people you love โค๏ธ

#firstbicycle #bicycle #allgrownup #timeflies #blinkandyoumissit #sunset #bike #growingup #changinglives #ghana #accra #Akwaaba
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2 weeks ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

Monday at the vocational centre ๐Ÿชก

Did you know that we have 10 girls currently enrolled at our sewing centre. All the girls are in senior high school and spend 3 months at school followed by 3 months at home. During the period they are at home, they join us to continue learning sewing skills, which will help them all pursue their fashion design or tailoring dreams

The girls have already made school uniforms and 200 bags and are busy working on their 3rd order of the year!

#sewing #sewgood #vocationalskills #empoweringgirls #sewingschool #skills #femaleempowerment #BreakingBarriers #education #volunteer #ghana #accra #Akwaaba
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Monday at the vocational centre ๐Ÿชก

Did you know that we have 10 girls currently enrolled at our sewing centre. All the girls are in senior high school and spend 3 months at school followed by 3 months at home. During the period they are at home, they join us to continue learning sewing skills, which will help them all pursue their fashion design or tailoring dreams 

The girls have already made school uniforms and 200 bags and are busy working on their 3rd order of the year! 

#sewing #sewgood #vocationalskills #empoweringgirls #sewingschool #skills #femaleempowerment #breakingbarriers #education #volunteer #Ghana #Accra #AkwaabaImage attachmentImage attachment
3 weeks ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

Our Queens are ready for their first game of the season ๐Ÿคฉ

But it's so much more than just a netball match, it's a family. We will celebrate together, we will lose together and we will cheer each other on no matter what!

#Netballf#netballerb#girlse#queens #matchdayu#ghanam#accray#Akwaaba#Accra #Akwaaba
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3 weeks ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

Celebrating International Day of Education

We believe every child has the right to education and we are working hard to make sure we are supporting as many children as we can in school, removing barriers to education, getting children off the street and into school and working hand in hand with teachers to give the best kids the best education possible.

We are proud to be supporting more kids than ever through our "sponsor a child" project, and we can't wait to change more lives this year.

#education #school #changinglives #volunteer #Ghana #Accra #Akwaaba
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Celebrating International Day of Education 

We believe every child has the right to education and we are working hard to make sure we are supporting as many children as we can in school, removing barriers to education, getting children off the street and into school and working hand in hand with teachers to give the best kids the best education possible. 

We are proud to be supporting more kids than ever through our sponsor a child project, and we cant wait to change more lives this year. 

#education #school #changinglives #volunteer #Ghana #Accra #Akwaaba
3 weeks ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

Last year, we served 83,000 breakfasts to the students at Future Leaders school, and these are just some of the benefits...

โœ๏ธ Improved concentration in the classroom
๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฟ Students have more energy
๐Ÿ’ฏ Improved attendance to school
๐Ÿ’ค No more sleeping in the mornings
๐Ÿ˜ƒ So many smiles at breakfast time

This year, we wanted to make sure we were continuing to improve what we do, so we have added fruit to the students' breakfast! Now, the students are getting a more varied diet as well as essential vitamins, nutrients, and fibre.


ThanZEN Petroleum Limitedoleum for making this possi#breakfastk#healthyfoody#breakfastisservede#breakfasttimet#schoolmeall#anappleadaye#nutritioni#healthyeatinga#eat #firstmealofthedayh#changinglivesl#ghanaG#accraA#Akwaabawaaba
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Last year, we served 83,000 breakfasts to the students at Future Leaders school, and these are just some of the benefits... 

โœ๏ธ Improved concentration in the classroom
๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฟ Students have more energy 
๐Ÿ’ฏ Improved attendance to school
๐Ÿ’ค No more sleeping in the mornings
๐Ÿ˜ƒ So many smiles at breakfast time 

This year, we wanted to make sure we were continuing to improve what we do, so we have added fruit to the students breakfast! Now, the students are getting a more varied diet as well as essential vitamins, nutrients, and fibre.


Thankyou @zenpetroleum for making this possible

#breakfast #healthyfood #breakfastisserved
#breakfasttime #schoolmeal #anappleaday #nutrition #healthyeating #eat #firstmealoftheday #changinglives #Ghana #Accra #akwaaba

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Love this!!! So many kids have a brighter future because of you two! โค๏ธ

Great work Akwaaba volunteers. Keep up the good work

4 weeks ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

A different type of Blue Monday here in Ghana!

With huge thanks to Annabel Baldwin and the Business Advisory Group at @saffery_uk for their kind donation, which will fund swimming lessons for 20 children over the Easter holidays. Swimming is a life skill that many children in Ghana miss out on.

Our community in Accra is next to the sea, and we want to teach the children we work with how to swim safely and to be confident in the water.

Not only is swimming important, itโ€™s a great way to keep the children off the streets during the holidays and engage them with something positive, healthy and fun.

#swimming #bluemonday #mondaymorning #swimminglessons #project #sponsor #appreciationpost #Volunteer #Ghana #Akwaaba
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A different type of Blue Monday here in Ghana! 

With huge thanks to Annabel Baldwin and the Business Advisory Group at @saffery_uk for their kind donation, which will fund swimming lessons for 20 children over the Easter holidays. Swimming is a life skill that many children in Ghana miss out on.

Our community in Accra is next to the sea, and we want to teach the children we work with how to swim safely and to be confident in the water.

Not only is swimming important, itโ€™s a great way to keep the children off the streets during the holidays and engage them with something positive, healthy and fun.

#swimming #bluemonday #mondaymorning #swimminglessons #project #sponsor #appreciationpost #Volunteer #Ghana #Akwaaba
1 month ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

2025 let's g#newyearw#ghanag#Akwaabawaaba ... See MoreSee Less

1 month ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

Week 1 of 2025 spent with our community ๐Ÿคฉ

#newyear #community #library #vocationalskills #ghana #Akwaaba
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1 month ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

Are you thinking about volunteering this year?

We know you'll have the time of your life but don't take our word for it....

Take a look at what these volunteers have to say about their experience in Ghana with Akwaaba Vol#review #volunteer##sayyese#packyourbagsc#bookthetripo#MakeAnImpactk#PositiveImpactt#changinglivesn#dosomethingamazingi#Traveln#Volunteeringl#ghanai#Akwaabaa #Akwaaba
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2 months ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

โœจ๏ธ Education is the gift that keeps giving long after Christmas has gone โœจ๏ธ

We know education is the key to a brighter future, and we are SO proud to give children like George access to school, education, a safe place, and ongoing support.

Do you want to give someone the gift of education?

#sponsorachild #scholarship #education #BrighterFuture #changinglives #Impact #thenextgeneration #school #lastweekofschool #ghana #Akwaaba
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2 months ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

Join the students from @acsabudhabi at @billa_futureleadersschool ๐Ÿคฉ

#volunteer #Volunteering #education #school #inspiring #changinglives #DoGood #Amazing #teachingabroad #intheclassroom #ghana #Akwaaba
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2 months ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

Join us for a tour of Accra ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ญ

What's your plans for the weekend?

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2 months ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

We have all heard the famous quote....

"Sports has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire, the power to unite people in a way little else does. It speaks to youth in a language they understand. Sports can create hope..."

This has never been more obvious to us than spending the week with the students from @acsabudhabi

They joined us in Ghana with a passion for football, they left having trained with some of the best coaches in the country, formed friendships with girls and boys from Ghana who share their passion and having inspired the next generation with their love of the game

#footballforgood #morethanjustagame #football #footballteam #footballers #sportsdevelopment #sport #championchange #kickabout #soccer #volunteer #akwaaba
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2 months ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

< life when you volunteer ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ญ

#volunteerabroad #Volunteer #volunteering #adventureofalifetime #travel #experiencetheworld #dosomethingamazing #changinglives #ghana #akwaaba
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Volunteering changed my life forever!!!! In every way possible ๐Ÿ’—

2 months ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

1st December

The final month of the year, starting with the biggest smiles ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

#newmonth #december #christmascountdown #smile #changinglives #ghana #accra #Akwaaba
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1st December 

The final month of the year, starting with the biggest smiles ๐Ÿ˜ƒ 

#newmonth #December #christmascountdown #smile #changinglives #Ghana #Accra #Akwaaba
3 months ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

Celebrating World Children's Day

Meet Miriam ๐Ÿคฉ Miriam is a superstar in school and on the pitch, and this is a typical day in her life

She always has the biggest smile in the room and she is so determined to be the best at anything she sets her mind to! Keep being you#WorldChildrensDayn#celebratinglifeg#adayinmylifey#schoolc#footballt#libraryb#schooldaysl#friendsi#changinglivesl#ghanaG#accraA#Akwaabawaaba
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3 months ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

World Kindness Day โœจ๏ธ

What is your act of kindness today?

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World Kindness Day โœจ๏ธ  

What is your act of kindness today? 

3 months ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

Game day! โšฝ๏ธ

#football #gameday #teamphoto #team #oneteamonedream #letsgo #matchday #weekend
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Game day! โšฝ๏ธ

#football #gameday #teamphoto #team #oneteamonedream #letsgo #matchday #weekend
3 months ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

Alongside our usual activities, we are striving to give the kids as many new opportunities and experiences as possible. Here are a few of the recent fun times

๐ŸฅŠ Boxing and learning from the very talented kids at besesaka

๐Ÿ–Œ Pottery painting with @amberbrinkie

๐ŸŽค Recording a song at @streettoschoolla with ๐’๐ˆ๐‹๐•๐€๐’๐“๐Ž๐๐„ ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ญ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฑ

๐Ÿงฉ Puzzles from @chell_b27

๐Ÿคธ๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ The Ghana Army putting the girls through their faces in an aerobics session

๐Ÿ‡ The first horse riding lesson

What should we try next?

#newexperiences #trysomethingdifferent #newopportunities #themoreweknow #changinglives #education #outsidetheclassroom #volunteer #Ghana #Accra #Akwaaba
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Amazing ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ

Awesome ๐Ÿ’–

4 months ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

Game day for the @streettoschoolla Queens ๐Ÿ€

Another opportunity to learn, grow, play, and, most importantly, have fun! The girls' dedication to training and playing netball is next level, and they truly shine on the netball court!

Let's go Q#Netball
#netballfamilyb#sundayl#matchday #gamedayy#letsgoa#queensg#queenenergyu#thesegirlscans#empoweringgirlse#volunteer##ghanaee#accran#Akwaabaa #Akwaaba
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4 months ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

Intervention is back โœ๏ธ

There are many kids who never got the opportunity to start school and have grown up outside of the education system. This class has been designed to give those kids the best opportunity possible. We have a mixture of students who started school-age 10+ and French speaking students who are learning the English language.

A small class and dedicated teachers means we can really focus on the development of each student and help them to feel confident in their own abilities!

#EducationMatters #education #changinglives #Impact #makingadifference #school #classroom #volunteer #ghana #accra #Akwaaba
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Intervention is back โœ๏ธ 

There are many kids who never got the opportunity to start school and have grown up outside of the education system. This class has been designed to give those kids the best opportunity possible. We have a mixture of students who started school-age 10+ and French speaking students who are learning the English language.

A small class and dedicated teachers means we can really focus on the development of each student and help them to feel confident in their own abilities! 

#educationmatters #education #changinglives #impact #makingadifference #school #classroom #volunteer #Ghana #Accra #AkwaabaImage attachmentImage attachment
4 months ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

We do what we can, and we always give our all to the children and families we work with.

This means our support doesn't end at the school gates. It extends to our community, the children's homes, and beyond.

Stella is part of our junior netball squad, our scholarship project, and hairdressing project. Her brother plays for the S2S u17 squad, and she has 4 more siblings, too.

Stella and her families home was collapsed one evening (swipe to see the rubble), and they were left with nowhere to go. @itsjbb_ and her family heard about the situation and helped find and rent the perfect home for Stella and her family. Just over a week after their devastating situation, they had moved into a new home with more space, a bathroom, a kitchen, running water, and electricity.

The smiles say it all! Thankyou Jovi for your heart of gold ๐Ÿ’›

#Newhouse #movingday #frombadtogood #changinglives #goodpeopledoinggoodthings #inspiringchange #homesweethome #keepsupporting #volunteer #Ghana #Accra #Akwaaba
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We do what we can, and we always give our all to the children and families we work with. 

This means our support doesnt end at the school gates. It extends to our community, the childrens homes, and beyond. 

Stella is part of our junior netball squad, our scholarship project, and hairdressing project. Her brother plays for the S2S u17 squad, and she has 4 more siblings, too. 

Stella and her families home was collapsed one evening (swipe to see the rubble), and they were left with nowhere to go. @itsjbb_ and her family heard about the situation and helped find and rent the perfect home for Stella and her family. Just over a week after their devastating situation, they had moved into a new home with more space, a bathroom, a kitchen, running water, and electricity. 

The smiles say it all! Thankyou Jovi for your heart of gold ๐Ÿ’› 

#Newhouse #movingday #frombadtogood #changinglives #goodpeopledoinggoodthings #inspiringchange #homesweethome #keepsupporting #volunteer #Ghana #Accra #AkwaabaImage attachment
4 months ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

๐ŸŒŸ Inspired & empowered ๐ŸŒŸ

Meet Esther, her Grandma very kindly allowed us to build our library where it is, and Esther has been a part of what we do ever since.

Every day, she comes to the library after school and then to the park to watch the girls train and join in as and when she feels like it!

A month ago, the girls started dance classes on Fridays, and you have never seen someone so happy to be a part of it. (Video 1 is day 1, and video 2 is week 3).

Esther is growing up with these strong, powerful, and inspirational girls, playing sports and challenging gender norms. Every day, these girls are empowering and encouraging Esther and all the other little girls to follow their dreams and making sure they know they can do anything they set their mind to.

This is about way more than just a sport. These girls are family, and they're already inspiring the next generation ๐Ÿ’•

#femaleempowerment #gendernorms #changinglives #thesegirlscan #family #netball #dance #danceclub #dancing #dancelikenooneiswatching #sisterhood #sisters #girlgang #empoweringgirls #inspiringchange #Ghana #Accra #Akwaaba
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๐ŸŒŸ Inspired & empowered ๐ŸŒŸ

Meet Esther, her Grandma very kindly allowed us to build our library where it is, and Esther has been a part of what we do ever since.

Every day, she comes to the library after school and then to the park to watch the girls train and join in as and when she feels like it! 

A month ago, the girls started dance classes on Fridays, and you have never seen someone so happy to be a part of it. (Video 1 is day 1, and video 2 is week 3). 

Esther is growing up with these strong, powerful, and inspirational girls, playing sports and challenging gender norms. Every day, these girls are empowering and encouraging Esther and all the other little girls to follow their dreams and making sure they know they can do anything they set their mind to. 

This is about way more than just a sport. These girls are family, and theyre already inspiring the next generation ๐Ÿ’•

#femaleempowerment #gendernorms #changinglives #thesegirlscan #family #netball #dance #danceclub #dancing #dancelikenooneiswatching #sisterhood #sisters #girlgang #empoweringgirls #inspiringchange #Ghana #Accra #AkwaabaImage attachmentImage attachment

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Memories with Akwaaba Volunteers is always sweet and the best ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ

4 months ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

Our hair girlie's have been busy creating some masterpieces, and we are SO proud

Take at the look at the hairstyles they braided for Serwaaa, Amber, and Doris ๐Ÿ˜

They have been working super hard learning and practising new styles, and we love to see them coming to lif#hairdressings#latestprojecto#vocationalskillsk#hairstyles#hair##newhairw#braidsr#learningr#volunteern#ghanaG#accraA#Akwaabawaaba
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4 months ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

Rest in perfect peace, Theodora ๐Ÿ’ซ

Today, we said goodbye to our angel, who sadly lost her battle with cancer on Saturday morning.

There are no words to say how heartbroken we are, but we are so grateful for all the memories we have made with her and her family during this time. We will treasure them forever.

We are so grateful to every last person who has helped us get Theodora the best possible care and support for her family, as well as all the thoughts, prayers, and well wishes. You are all incredible people and we are unbelievably lucky to have your support.

Theodora, you will always be in our hearts ๐Ÿ’•
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My deepest condolences. May have precious soul rest in eternal peace. The heavens have gained an angel.

Such a beautiful little Angel and I’m grateful I had the pleasure of spending time with her ๐Ÿฅฐ She was so lucky to have you xxx

Very sorry to hear this, my deepest sympathies are with you all ๐Ÿ’•

Sending you all, all our love๐Ÿ’•

Rest in perfect peace Theodora

So sad ๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ๐Ÿ’•

Oh no so sorry :( xxx

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4 months ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

Let there be light ๐Ÿ’ก

Many of the families we work with live in areas with unstable electricity, frequent power cuts, or no electricity at all

Thanks to the team at @informaconnectmea, we have found a sustainable solution with solar lights. We visited our community to distribute the lights. Each light can be charged using the power of the sun and has 3 lamp attachments to spread around their homes and a charging port for phones, too.

Having a source of light means kids can do their homework and other chores in the evenings and will keep families indoors, reducing the risk of malaria, too!

#solarpower #solarlight #solar #sunshine #LetThereBeLight #light #electricity #community #changinglives #goodcompaniesdogoodthings #togetherwearestronger #volunteer #ghana #accra #Akwaaba
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4 months ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

A pair of shoes can be the difference between going to school or not....

Not to mention the importance of well fitting shoes for growing feet. Happy feet will help happy minds to learn!

Thanks to Sal's Shoes, we distributed new school shoes to the students at our partner school, Future Leaders.

๐Ÿ“ธ ๐‘๐ˆ๐‚๐‡๐Œ๐Ž๐๐ƒ ๐€๐’๐‡๐ˆ๐€ PRODUCTIONS

#newshoes #schoolshoes #HappyFeet #shoes #school #happiness #newterm #schoolsback #schoolday #students #education #volunteer #togetherwearestronger #bettertogether #MakeADifference #MakeYourImpact #ghana #Akwaaba
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5 months ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

We think everyone should volunteer in Ghana, but don't take our word for it...

Matt volunteered with us for 4 weeks this summer. Find out about his experienc#volunteern#volunteeringhanag#volunteerabroadb#MakeYourImpactm#changinglivesl#Volunteeringe#experiencei#OnceInALifetimee#Akwaabaw#ghanaGhana
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5 months ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

We are kicking off a new season with new shoes from @salsshoes

Most of the boys' boots have seen better days, and with the project continuing to grow, we have even more feet to protect. The girls' project is also growing, so lets hope their new shoes can help them to stay unbeaten for another Sal's Shoes@salsshoes have been supporting us with shoes since 2018. We really couldn't do what we do or have the impact we do without the support of amazing peoSal's ShoesJ at @salsshoes and the rest #togetherwecandomoret#togetherbetter##teamworkmakesthedreamworkk#Impacte#teamk#football##Netballo#footballteaml#sportsclube#sportsdevelopmento#changinglives #newshoesl#letthegamesbegine#freshkicksg#ghanae#accras#Akwaaba#Accra #Akwaaba
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5 months ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

We are in full #backtoschool mode!

This term, we have doubled the number of students we have given scholarships to thanks to your support through our "sponsor a child" project.

Each student is returning with a backpack full of essential learning resources and tools for a successful year ahead. Your support goes beyond what is in their new school bags. It includes their books, stationary, school uniforms, 2 meals a day, transport to and from school, clean drinking water, and continued educational, financial, and emotional support from the Akwaaba team.

Together, we are changing lives and ensuring equitable access to a quality education because every child has the right to learn, feel safe, and follow their dreams.

#newterm #schooldays #Monday #mondaymorning #education #righttolearn #school #educationmatters #educationiskey #scholarships #empowertheyouth #changinglives #togetherwecandomore #Ghana #Accra #Akwaaba
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5 months ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

Join us on the school bus for the first day back at school

@zenpetroleum donated this bus earlier this year, and it has made a HUGE difference already. Now the kids always get to school safely and on time and to and from after-school training too!

#schoolbus #backtoschool #bus #busstop #schoolbuslife #backtoschool #firstdayofschool #newterm #school #education #ghana #accra #Akwaaba
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5 months ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

Ruby gets her new leg! ๐Ÿฆฟ

You may remember earlier this year, we took on the 3 Peaks XL Challenge with @ghanamountaineers, @fjwest_films, and @sarahlipscombe to raise money for Ruby.

Well.... the final fitting for Ruby's leg has finally been done, and she now has her new prosthetic leg!

Ruby was run over by a truck 10 years ago and lost her leg. The prosthetic leg she has been using is the only one she has ever had. It was heavy and no longer fitted properly, making walking almost impossible, let alone taking care of her family.

Her new leg is much lighter, uses better technology, and has been made especially for her. We can't wait to see how it's going to transform her life and allow her to spend more precious time with her children โค๏ธ

A huge thankyou to everyone who donated, we couldn't do things like this without you. Together, we have just improved somebody'#challengecompletedt#prosthesise#prostheticlegp#prostheticsr#healthc#changinglivesc#community##Transformationc#DoGoody#dreamteamm#togetherwecandomoret#secondchancew#volunteer #ghanad#accra #Akwaabaer #Ghana #Accra #Akwaaba
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5 months ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

Which backdrop would you choose?

๐Ÿ’ง Wli Waterfalls
โ›ฐ๏ธ Mountain Afadjato

#weekend #sundaymoodโ˜€๏ธ #sunday #waterfalls #mountain #hiking #nature #hike #volunteer #ghana #accra #Akwaaba
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Which backdrop would you choose? 

๐Ÿ’ง Wli Waterfalls 
โ›ฐ๏ธ Mountain Afadjato 

#weekend #sundaymoodโ˜€๏ธ #Sunday #waterfalls #mountain #hiking #nature #hike #volunteer #Ghana #Accra #AkwaabaImage attachmentImage attachment
6 months ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

Meet the Girls ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿฟโ€โ™€๏ธ

We are so passionate about empowering girls, and with both our sewing and hairdressing running extra classes over the summer holidays, we thought it was a great time to get to know some of the girls!

๐Ÿ’‡โ€โ™€๏ธ Thanks to @maidenfactor

๐Ÿชก Thanks to @tecsocialize

#empoweringgirls #newskills #vocationalskills #vocationaleducation #VocationalCourses #sewing #hairdressing #braids #skills #girls #girlsclub #fashiondesigner #volunteer #ghana #accra #Akwaaba
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6 months ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

It's only a few more weeks until we are back in school!

Now is your chance to do something amazing and sponsor a child for the upcoming school year โœจ๏ธ

Fancy helping us change a lif#sponsorachildc#sponsoro#changinglivesl#educationa#EducationMatterst#backtoschoolc#summerholidaysi#improvep#volunteern#ghanaG#accraA#Akwaabawaaba
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Its only a  few more weeks until we are back in school! 

Now is your chance to do something amazing and sponsor a child for the upcoming school year โœจ๏ธ

Fancy helping us change a life? 

#sponsorachild #sponsor #changinglives #education #educationmatters #backtoschool #summerholidays #improve #volunteer #Ghana #Accra #Akwaaba
6 months ago
Akwaaba Volunteers


What are you doing this weekend?

#monkey #monkeyworld #monkeyforest #weekend #weekendfun #weekendvibes #weekendgetaway #saturday #bananas #roadtrip #ghana #Akwaaba
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6 months ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

1 Year Old ๐ŸŽ‰

Today, we are celebrating our library and the impact it has had over the past year!

There are now over 800 books in the library and over 200 children in our community with library cards to take books home. Not only is the library encouraging children to read and improving literacy, it also continues to be a safe space to so many kids each day!

Thankyou @nataliecrampton and @tecsocialize for creating this amazing space and to our ambassador @19tmb for making it happen!

๐Ÿ“ท @iamkwamina

#library #literacy #readingtime #reading #books #storytime #story #librarybooks #education #librarylife #goodcompaniesdoinggoodthings #changinglives #volunteers #ghana #accra #Akwaaba
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Love this!! โค๏ธ

6 months ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

Swimming lessons are back! ๐ŸŠโ€โ™€๏ธ

With the summer holidays in full swing, we wanted to make sure our kids have an action packed Summer

Along with our vacation classes, vocational skills training, and sports, we wanted to give the kids the opportunity to continue their swimming lessons. Not only do they love it, but it's also a really important skill!

We are looking forward to seeing the progress they make over the next mon#swim##swimmingm#swimminglessonss#LearnHowToSwimo#pool##summerholidaysi#newskills#ghanaG#accraA#Akwaabawaaba
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6 months ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

Photos from Akwaaba Volunteers's post ... See MoreSee Less

7 months ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

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7 months ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

We took class 6 to the Kwame Nkrumah Museum this weekend to congratulate them on winning this terms recycling competition โ™ป๏ธ

Every class is challenged to collect as many water sachets as they can, this keeps the school and the environment tidy and encourages the students to be more aware of where their rubbish ends us. At the end of each month, we recycle what has been collected, and at the end of the term, the winners get to go on an excursion!

Where should we go next term?

#recycle #recycling #recycledmaterials #reuserecycle #winners #competition #schooltrip #excursion #museum #dayout #volunteer #ghana #accra #Akwaaba
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Congratulations team!!! What an amazing mission and reward โœจโœจโœจ

7 months ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

To celebrate the @billa_futureleadersschool year 9 graduates, we headed out of Accra to have some fun after months of hard work getting ready for their exams!

Check it out ๐ŸŽ“

#roadtrip #graduation #celebrate #celebration #exploreghana #schooltrip #excursion #examsareover #Congratulations #boat #ghana #accra #Akwaaba
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This is epic!!

7 months ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

Spend a Saturday morning at the library with us ๐Ÿ“š

Our library is open every day after school and on Saturday's for the kids to come and read, hang out with their friends, and play games!

We love seeing the kids making the most of this space and, most importantly, having access to book#libraryb#librarybooksb#librarylifey#readinga#booksb#bookwormk#bookloverl#bookstagrama#readingtimeg#storieso#readingcommunityu#SafeSpaces#weekende#literacye#volunteern#somethingforeveryoner#ghanaG#accraa#Akwaabawaaba
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7 months ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

A morning with the girls at the vocational centre ๐Ÿชก

It's great to see the progress the girls are making with their sewing classes. We can't wait to share more on what they've been gettin#thegirlso#sewingh#sewingproject #vocationalskillso#vocationaltraininga#fashionschool #designn#sewyourowni#sewingloveo#empoweringgirlse#ghanai#accras#Akwaaba#Accra #Akwaaba
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A morning with the girls at the vocational centre ๐Ÿชก

Its great to see the progress the girls are making with their sewing classes. We cant wait to share more on what theyve been getting up to soon 

#thegirls #sewing #sewingproject #vocationalskills #vocationaltraining #fashionschool #design #sewyourown #sewinglove #empoweringgirls #Ghana #Accra #AkwaabaImage attachmentImage attachment
7 months ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

The Billa Future Leaders School Class of 2024 and the amazing teachers that got them there ๐Ÿ‘

Congratulations to you all for finishing your BECE exams, onwards and upwards!
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The Billa Future Leaders School Class of 2024 and the amazing teachers that got them there ๐Ÿ‘ 

Congratulations to you all for finishing your BECE exams, onwards and upwards!
7 months ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

A moment for the boys ๐Ÿ†

After an incredible season with 65 goals in 16 games, the boys have been crowned league champions for the second year in a row!

We all love to see the kids winning, but we have also seen their perseverance, hard work at training, and commitment to the project (education and giving back included), resilience in the tougher parts of the season but most importantly creating friendships that make up the @streettoschoolla family. We consider ourselves lucky to have these boys as role models for all 4 age groups under them.

Congratulations boys, you deserve it ๐Ÿ’™

#league #leaguewinners #champions #winner #topofthetable #football #footballteam #soccer #FootballTraining #matchday #volunteer ##ghana #accra #Akwaaba
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A moment for the boys ๐Ÿ†

After an incredible season with 65 goals in 16 games, the boys have been crowned league champions for the second year in a row! 

We all love to see the kids winning, but we have also seen their perseverance, hard work at training, and commitment to the project (education and giving back included), resilience in the tougher parts of the season but most importantly creating friendships that make up the @streettoschoolla family. We consider ourselves lucky to have these boys as role models for all 4 age groups under them. 

Congratulations boys, you deserve it ๐Ÿ’™

#league #leaguewinners #champions #winner #topofthetable #football #footballteam #soccer #footballtraining #matchday #volunteer ##Ghana #Accra #Akwaaba

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Very well done!

7 months ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

Let's talk about "Period Poverty"

Ghana was recently named the country with the least affordable menstrual products by the BBC... a shocking statistic that we see affecting girls every day!

Since @netballdevelopmenttrust joined us back in 2019, education around sexual health and period poverty has been a top priority!

Take a look at the video to see how we are ending period poverty for these girls!
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Netball Development Trust

7 months ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

We are very excited to have started another new project to empower girls in our community

Introducing our hair dressing classes!

The girls will be learning all things hair and braiding. This will give them valuable skills to help them in the future

Week one was a success so we can't wait to see how the girls get on over the next month
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7 months ago
Akwaaba Volunteers

*** An honest review from Vanessa ***

Volunteering in Akwaabaโ€™s project with the kids was an incredibly rewarding experience. The warmth and enthusiasm of the children were infectious, and their eagerness to learn was inspiring. Every day was filled with joy as we engaged in various educational activities, from teaching basic subjects to organizing fun games that fostered teamwork and creativity. The community's hospitality made me feel at home, and I learned so much about their culture and traditions. This experience not only allowed me to contribute to the children's education but also enriched my understanding of resilience, hope, and the power of community.

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